ShowMe Technologies, uses, and holds, Pat no: US 9491418: Protects a system in which the hand of a remote expert is separated from the original background at the expert’s site and overlaid over a transmitted video feed of a scene or object to be inspected or serviced at the user’s site, and the combined image is shown at both sites. Hence the user and the expert can interact by pointing and gesturing as if they were standing next to each other, in addition to telestration. The patent covers using any kind of separation of the hand from the background including image segmentation based on a camera or different kind of sensors. 

The patent both covers mobile and AR/VR use of the above. For any questions and/or enquires in regards of our patent (which is utilised in the ShowMe assist application), don’t hesitate to get in touch.

For a deeper dive into ShowMe, you can read this white-paper done by Holger Krener-Iversen, “SEGMENTATION OF IMAGES OF HANDS FOR IN-FIELD TECH SUPPORT”. Link here