Examples of use cases


Industrial businesses

Within shipping, international operations involving complex solutions and the likes, there is often only a few experts to solve the deeper problems occurring when operating a business. With ShowMe, your company can support and solve problems faster, by collaborating as if they where standing next to each other. This means

  • Cost savings in transport of the expert

  • The limited number of experts get to solve more problems

  • Cost savings and minimise loss of revenue, in less down time of operating expensive equipment where up-time is of highest priority.

Local expert

The local plumbing company, or the national installation company always have deep knowledge in key employees, new trainees who needs support or situations alike. Here ShowMe can add quick support as the trainee, or employee on location and when problems occurs, instantly can call their internal expert, who on his/hers location can help out without having to leave.

It will save time, increase speed of problem solving, increase the quality of the work done, and also increase the knowledge sharing across the company.



B2C support and service

Large suppliers of electronic or other goods, operate in a highly competitive market. They all battle on price, have a quite similar offering of products, so where is it possible to stand out?

Through greater service. Regular people buying stereos, new televisions and other products which needs assembly, connectivity or other installations to work, will need help to get a better start. Studies show that people with problems, but having them solved, have a higher brand loyalty than customers without problems. So why not greatly increase the quality of helping out. It is quite given, that it is easier for a service employee to show and tell by pointing and gesturing to a none-technical customer, how to connect devices, than to explain over the phone.